Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Let's Do Better

I'm not really the biggest fan of New Year's resolutions. I find that they are a foolproof way to disappoint one's self or to make one's self look like the biggest loser ever (and not the good kind that are on tv losing weight). So, with that said, I decided while reflecting on my 2008, that I would not decide on one specific goal but that I would do everything in my power to live my life better in 2009 than I did last year. My consistent "resolution" is to improve in all areas I can with each passing year. So, in the name of all of that, I've compiled a list of things to help me and my people do better in 2009:
  • Do regular breast cancer self-exams. Lumps are only good in Cream of Wheat.
  • Start speaking life. Cut down on the negative speak and change your reality.
  • Read books with more than 100 pages and sans pictures.
  • Look up "sans"
  • Watch at least two documentaries that aren't about dead rappers
  • Recycle
  • Stop throwing crap out of your car window.
  • Work toward financial independence.
  • Give up plastic bags and use canvas bags instead.
  • Eat some vegetables everyday and accept the fact that corn is NOT a vegetable, people. Sheesh.
  • Smile more. It really will make you feel better.
  • Visit a museum. Try to see something on display besides the latest Jordans.
  • Learn at least one new word per week. Switch up your vocab, playa, it won't hurt.
  • Remember that panties belong underneath clothes and should never be peeking out of the top of a pair of pants or the bottom of a pair of shorts.
  • Do some volunteer work.
  • Mail at least one handwritten letter to a loved one.
  • Buy a cd from a genre that you don't normally like.
  • Send thank you cards when etiquette calls for it.
  • Learn etiquette. It never killed anyone to know a salad fork form a dinner fork.
  • Cook a gourmet meal for your friends.
  • Go out of town at least twice for something other than a club.
  • Buy yourself at least one high end item be it a purse, shoes, slacks... just get yourself something nice that did not come from a store that sells both clothes and antifreeze.
  • If you are a rapper, please refrain from writing a song that contains the words, Obama along with b*tch, ho, p*ssy, f*ck, lick, or suck. Some things just don't go together.
  • Pay your bills on time.
  • Get your oil changed regularly (at least every four months)
  • Brush your teeth before bed (I'm trying to incorporate this one)
  • Check your blood pressure regularly.
  • Watch or read some news each day (Nope, Sports Center doesn't count).
  • Exercise at least three times a week (Yes, pop, lock, and droppin' it counts).

These are just a few suggestions to help us do better and be better for 2009. If you have some you'd like to share, I'd love to hear them!

1 comment:

gnuSuL said...

I love it! I would like to add:

Find something new to love about yourself everyday. The opportunity awaits those that are looking to reach a wholesome sense of self love to the betterment of not just self but those we come in contact.

I will keep you honest if you will do the same for me. You got to have accountability.