Yeah, I said it. The worsening of ignorant black people's public outbreaks of idiocy can be directly attributed to our President. Unfortunately, he isn't even endorsing it.
Case in point, I was at a high school basketball game over the weekend. There was an idiot present who has a reputation for being ridiculously loud during the games and this particular game was no exception. During times when the gym fell silent, he thought it an opportunity to holler and heckle the kids. Eventually, a school staff member came over and asked the man to pipe down a bit as he was a distraction/annoyance to all those present. Of course he started getting defensive all while claiming he'd done or said nothing wrong (I'm not an expert but I'm thinking screaming at the referee that he needs Rogaine is pretty in appropriate.) and couldn't understand why he was being singled out as disruptive. As the staff member walked away, the perpetrator's friend hollers at him that this is a new day and Obama is now the President and therefore he needed to lighten up and leave them alone. He also went on and on to me about how the man was just racist. I'm telling you, if it was even the smallest possibility, I would have curled up into a tiny ball and rolled out of that gym.
I can't speak for anyone else but I sure as hell did not attend debates, phone bank, donate money, or verbally campaign for Barack Obama in order for the stupid black folks of the world to ruin it all by claiming his Presidential victory as an excuse to stick up one collective middle finger as a sign of disdain for integrity, and all things decent. I mean, here we now have the first black leader of our country. He is one who is the embodiment of couth and class. He and I have yet to chat but I'm pretty sure he didn't run for the office of the Presidency in order for black folks all over America to start acting like damned fools. If anything, watching this man's success and extremely difficult undertaking should make other black people strive to be excellent instead of settling for the ghetto status quo. We as a people are more than that and should do everything we can to prove it. The last I checked, it was smart was a lot sexier than stupid. Please look into it.
So the next time you are somewhere and are tempted to go for broke and show your tail all while hollering !OBAMA! (like some ancient, this fixes everything, chant), take into consideration what we as a people have riding on your behavior. Don't be a dummy. Barack isn't.
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